Acción Masa y Poder, 2013
Acción Innombrable, 2014
Acción Demagogo, 2014
Deborah Castillo
Mixed media artist. Lives and works between New York and Mexico. He took courses in “Experimental Photography” at La ONG Workshop School of the Nelson Garrido Organization. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Plastic Arts, with a mention in Mixed Media, at the “Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores en Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón”, Caracas, Venezuela. She lived in London for 4 years. There she did a residency at the London Print Studio to develop a graphic and textile project. She has worked as a production assistant for artist Mona Hatoum at Sala Mendoza, Caracas. She has participated in different talks about her work and contemporary art in institutions such as the “Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, CELARG”, in Caracas; in El Espacio Caja Sol, in Seville and in Wimbledon College of Art, London. Her work has been published in magazines such as: “El Pulgar” #21; “Extra Camara” #25, “Lapiz. Revista Internacional de Arte” #216; “Complot en varias ediciones” magazine, New Territories MAD Museum, NYC, Panorámica Arte Emergente en Venezuela, Caracas among other publications.
Starts her exhibition career in 2001. Among her national and international collective participations, the following stand out: “Museum as Hub” In and Out Of Context” New Museum, New York,USA. “Recreating/reinventing narratives” Rufino Tamayo Museum of Contemporary Art, Mexico City, Cultural Center of Spain, “[BELONG HERE]”. Santiago, Chile. “Private Collection” Escala Space Caja Sol Collection, Seville, Malaga and Cordoba – Spain. “South American Servant, Latin American Project”, Photo Spain. Madrid- Spain. “Don’t Trust” Wight Biennial “UCLA,Los Angeles.USA. “London in Six Easy Steps”. Institute of Contemporary Arts “ICA”, London, “Feria Iberoamericana de arte FIA”, Caracas. “PHOTO Fair of Buenos Aires, Argentina. “Contra/sense. New Venezuelan Photography”, Mendoza Hall, Caracas.
Individual exhibitions:
“Action and Culto¨, Centro Cultural Chacao/ 2013, Espacio La Caja, Caracas- Venezuela. “Untitled 9/11”. OFFICE #1, Los Galpones Art Center/2011, Caracas-Venezuela. “Caracas The New Circus”. OFFICE #1, Centro de arte Los Galpones/2009, Caracas-Venezuela. “La Super Sudaca”, El Anexo Arte Contemporaneo/2008, Caracas-Venezuela. “CCS Branch”, Sala Mendoza/2006, Caracas-Venezuela. “South American Cleaner”, WC3 Toilet Gallery at the George and Dragon/2005. London. “Handicraft”, Sala NG, CELARG/2001, Caracas, Venezuela.
Obtains the only award in 2003 with the “Prize XI Eugenio Mendoza Hall”, Sala Mendoza, Caracas. Obtains the second award in 2003 with the “VI Salon CANTV, Youth with FIA”, Caracas. Awarded the 2013 Armando Reveron: AVAP Award in the “Young Artist” category, Caracas. She has participated in international residencies for artists such as Banff Centre, Alberta, Canada. Atlantic Center for the Arts, Florida, USA. New York Foundation for the Arts, NYC, USA.