Eduardo Vargas Rico (1991). Lives and works in the state of Lara (Venezuela).
Since 2011 he participates in the national art scene and begins his studies for a Bachelor’s degree in Plastic Arts at the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA). He has developed a work around the concept of archive through a variety of mediums, supports, objects and materials with which he approaches the notion of memory and document from different topics of interest. He has participated in international group exhibitions in Colombia, Miami, Madrid, Helsinki, France, Holguin and Hamburg.
He makes his first individual exhibition in Caracas in the spaces of La Librería Sala Mendoza (2016). In the same year, he has his second individual in the D’Museo Gallery as a prize obtained in the Banesco Youth Hall with FIA, XVIII edition.
To date he has had five individual exhibitions in Venezuela.
Instagram : @eduardovargasrico