David Molina-Molina, 1990. Mérida, Mérida State, Venezuela.
Enrolled in 2010 in the Faculty of Art at the Universidad de los Andes and graduated with a degree in Visual Arts in 2016. Since 2014 he has participated in group exhibitions nationally and internationally. Parallel to his studies, in 2015 he entered the production workshops of the Faculty of Architecture and Industrial Design at the Universidad de los Andes where he specialised in sculptural ceramics, glaze technology and materials technology. In 2014 he received the first prize in the Black and White Salon of the Centro Bellas Artes Ateneo de Maracaibo and the 3rd Prize in the Salón Jóvenes artistas Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia (MACZUL) in 2018. He participated with his project Paisajes Afectivos in the Artistic Residency of La Macolla Brote Creativo in La Pastora, Caracas and in 2020 in the TerraGráfica Residency “Terra de un mar/Magdalena Fernández”. In 2021 he exhibited his solo project FITOFORMAS: La dimensión visible del paisaje at SpazioZero Galería and in 2019 he exhibited the solo project CONTICINIO at the mezzanine hall of the Fundación Sala Mendoza. He currently lives and works in Caracas. Venezuela.
My concern arises fundamentally in relation to nature; I consider that I do not live in a homogeneous, static and empty space, but within a set of interrelated forms and phenomena, in that ground that sustains us there is an integrating unit that condenses morphologies and allows us to determine how we perceive and experience the world, this connection between perception and physical space is the landscape.
I am interested in understanding landscape through the representation of forms, I look for sculptural languages in nature and reflect on the qualities it acquires when subjected and delimited by the human eye, as well as on its physicality and the relations of order that these articulate. My investigations result in images and ideas that condense poetic gestures and intimate and fantastic encounters about the landscape experience.
Instagram: @damolinamolina