Andrea Britto


Andrea Britto, drawer, second resident of the Alejandro Otero Museum in 2018. Young artist of the month of April at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Armando Reverón 2019. Currently a thesis student in the Bachelor of Arts in Painting, Unearte.

Records of drawings, models, and other intuitions resulting from a sensitive research exercise based on images and feelings, captured in No Lugares (No Places) , or spaces of transit, where the passer-by enjoys relative anonymity, which favors a very stimulating gesture display for the representation. The facial expressions, tired and weary postures, lost looks, as well as the space maintained with the other travelers speak more of the passenger, than the behavior he assumes in the inhabitable or social meeting places. The brief drawing, and the later executions in the workshop, give us back some of the attitudes of the passer-by who thinks he is not seen, because the tumult and loneliness, the running over and waiting, have made him invisible.

Records of drawings, models, and other intuitions resulting from a sensitive research exercise based on images and feelings, captured in No Lugares (No Places) , or spaces of transit, where the passer-by enjoys relative anonymity, which favors a very stimulating gesture display for the representation. The facial expressions, tired and weary postures, lost looks, as well as the space maintained with the other travelers speak more of the passenger, than the behavior he assumes in the inhabitable or social meeting places. The brief drawing, and the later executions in the workshop, give us back some of the attitudes of the passer-by who thinks he is not seen, because the tumult and loneliness, the running over and waiting, have made him invisible.

Instagram: @abrittom