Caracas. 1991
Architect FAU – UCV. 2019
My research revolves around the idea of assemblage, as a strategy and conceptual framework that supports two- and three-dimensional composition experiments through various techniques. The reuse of components such as found objects and wasted paper, cardboard and/or textiles has allowed me to generate a provisional laboratory of scenarios and stagings.
It is also fundamental for me to interpret the occupation of space as an act of manifestation and materialization of obsessions and interests. “The house” as a support that accepts the overlap of multiple systems around living, traditions, rituals, accumulation, exhibition, isolation, entrenchment.
I work in architectural and industrial design on multiple scales. I have participated and collaborated in several collective exhibitions between 2011 and 2014 as an artist and curator. I am interested in the relationship of the plastic arts with everyday utilitarian objects and in the experimentation on the flexibility of space and its components.
Portafolio: be.net/gabrielgarciasalinas
Instagram: @yofribawa