Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia, 1986. Lives and works in Maracaibo.
He has a degree in Plastic Arts with a specializing in Painting, graduated from the Experimental Art Faculty of the University of Zulia in 2010. From 2014 to 2016 he worked as Visual Arts Coordinator at the Fine Arts Center – Ateneo de Maracaibo in Maracaibo. He is currently working as an Artistic Advisor for the Culture Department of the Universidad del Zulia.
In my research, are manifested references of periodicity and context that may have an identifiable form or not, linked to a corporeality consequent to its source and content, which is allowed to be reached by the dark incidence of the everyday, referring to it from the characteristic signs of what is given by the environment, translated into the lack of axioms. It can also alternate qualities of memory of previous moments or resources that are revised, transformed through the formal digestion of a consequence of alternate processes that generate new hereditary manifestations of themselves, through the expansion of discontinued materials that have been unfolded, retaken and resignified, turned into the imprint of that same disruptive present.
The two-dimensional is predominant in my proposals, because one of the most accentuated factors is the use of experimental graphic methods as a starting point for my formal constructions. At the same time, part of this research has led me to compose spatial blocks of patterns whose unifying characteristic is opacity, contrasting with other planes, dense, containers of accumulations that between veiled textures and light glimpses give evidence of an insistent sequential continuity, which founds a concrete stacking from the formal object to the integral understanding of the creative fact.
The constant experimentation and research in the technical praxis have made this work expand, incorporating the architectural space as a support where to agree and fit, in which the different constructive accumulations of work can be adapted as bodies in the space, without wasting its adaptive, malleable and ductile qualities in the face of that spatiality that is invaded by the modifying intentionality, which plays at folding the space, contracting and expanding it in light ways at times, and in some other cases creating breaks and proposing abrupt conflicts between the accessible/impenetrable.
Instagram: @jonathanlarave