Max Provenzano


Max Provenzano, born in 1986, currently residing in Portugal. He has a degree in Chemistry (Basic Option) from the UCV (2011). He began his artistic career in 2009 at the age of 23, although his first direct artistic experience was through the theater in 2004. His experimentation has mainly revolved around painting, photography, installation, video and performance.

Although he has never formally studied, he has taken courses in the above-mentioned areas in different institutions such as La ONG, UNEARTES, GAN, MBA, UCV, C.C. Chacao and CELARG.

He has participated in a series of collective exhibitions and ephemeral art shows in the cities of: Choroní, Maracay, San Cristobal, Valencia, Higuerón, Caracas, Barquisimeto, Mérida, San Carlos, Guanare and Barinas. At a international level, in Mexico City and Guadalara-Mexico; and, in Bogota- Colombia.

During 2013 he was awarded the “Municipal Prize of Photography” of the Juan Lovera Visual Arts Hall with the work “Colchón” (2013) and the “Me Gusta” Prize in Octubre Joven with the installation/performance “Fisuras” (2013). In 2014 he makes his first individual exhibition in the Nelson Garrido Organization (La ONG) “[inflections]”, exhibits in the Salón Banesco Jóvenes with Fia XVII, Construcciones identitarias: Cuerpo, Memoria y Lugar and is the winner of 2nd place in the Octubre Joven Hall (2015) with the Exhibition Award in the City of Valencia with the work “味之素” Photography, 2014. In 2015 he participates in the Salón Banesco Jóvenes with Fia XVIII, Metáforas de la Emergencia or La Balsa de las Medusas in the Centro de Arte Los Galpones. His second individual exhibition “El Tercer Mundo” is exhibited in Room 7 of the Valencia Museum of Art and is destroyed the same day of the inauguration by vandalism. In 2016 he participates in the collective exhibition “Esqueje” in ABRA, in the Centro de Arte Los Galpones.