Saúl Rivas


I was born in Caracas, Venezuela on September 12, 1981.

Graduated from the Instituto Experimental de Arte Armando Reverón in 2006, currently UNEARTE, in Caracas. There I specialized in Graphic Arts; I also did complementary studies in the specialties of painting, sculpture and mixed media.

In 2010 I came to Argentina to study a Master of electronic Arts at the UNTREF. Parallel to the master’s degree I studied film, specializing in Editing and Color grading. I try to be an integral artist, merging tools from different specialties. Recently I was part of the PAC contemporary artists program, in Buenos Aires in 2018.

I have participated in different exhibitions in Venezuela and also in Argentina. The most recent ones are: The Eugenio Mendoza Award #15 in Caracas 2019. Palliatives at Gachi Prieto Gallery 2018- 2019 and the 8th Itaú Award in Argentina 2017.
Instagram: @burocrata