Leia Goiria Escandell (Mallorca, 1995) is a textile and visual artist formed in Barcelona.
The central axes of my work are framed between textile art, feminisms, installation, performance and graphic languages. Based on a feminist methodology, I am especially interested in collective, horizontal work and the active participation of the public as political strategies to banish the hegemonic and individualistic practices that usually accompany artistic processes.
I believe that art and culture should be guided by renovating ideals that threaten and challenge social inequalities, as well as promote strategies, ruptures and subversions in the very systems that perpetuate them. That is why my work focuses on: the critical analysis of the social representations of women in patriarchal societies, the invisibilization of female sexual characteristics, the denunciation of the standards of beauty and femininity, the recognition of feminine and feminist genealogies made invisible by Art History, the use of language as a way of configuring realities and possible transgressions in collective imaginaries, and the relationship between private-public spaces, the occupation or unemployment and violence that are exercised in these spaces.
My work has been exhibited at Centre d’Art Con- temporani Fabra i Coats, La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Ca la Dona (FemArt), Espronceda Gallery in Barcelona and Casal Solleric in Mallorca, among others.
Instagram: @beia.a