Pina Bausch / Detlef Erler

Biblioteca Ricardo Armas en La ONG [Venezuela] Título: Pina BauschAutor: Detlef ErlerEditorial: Edition Stemmle, 1994 Video: Pedro TovarEdición: Pedro Tovar Para consultar nuestra biblioteca ingresa aquí


Louise Claire Wagner

Previous Next Born and raised in Basel, Switzerland, Louise Claire Wagner moved to Paris in 2012, where she graduated with a degree in Social Sciences and Urban Studies. It was during this time that she developed her passion for photography, …


Sarah Barthe

Previous Next Sarah Barthe is a French artist born in 1985, who lives and works in Paris. Drawing her inspiration from the world of childhood, her drawings and collages highlight the ambiguous, obscure, sometimes malevolent relationships that can be created …


Sarah Barthe

Previous Next Sarah Barthe es una artista francesa nacida en 1985, que vive y trabaja en París. Inspirándose en el mundo de la infancia, sus dibujos y collages ponen de relieve las relaciones ambiguas, oscuras y a veces malévolas que …


Arianna Polanco Blanco

Previous Next Arianna Polanco Blanco was born on September 26, 1991, in the city of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. Her first studies were in psychology, always with a great inclination to the arts. Then he moved to Barcelona …


Maria Alcaide

Previous Next María Alcaide (b. 1992, Spain) holds a MFA in Art and Design, although her work has been presented in research contexts like l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), the Universität Der Künste (Berlin) or the Complutense …


Roxane Florin

Previous Next I grew up in Paris and trained as a journalist, specializing in the audiovisual branch, at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. I recently started studying philosophy. I currently live between France and Mexico where I work …


Cooperativa Sub

Previous Next Created in Buenos Aires at the end of 2004, the Cooperativa Sub is a photography collective and a platform for projects related to the image; on the one hand, it works on the creation of a collective identity …


Sophie Utikal

Previous Next I was Born 1987 in Tallahassee, Florida, the same year as Gloria E. Anzaldúa published Boderlands. Since then i have lived in many places, now in Berlin. I graduated 2019 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienne. …


Ingrid Pumayalla

Previous Next Ingrid Pumayalla (Trujillo, 1989) se graduó como Técnico en Fotografía del Centro de la Imagen (2012). Ha obtenido el Grado de Magister con Mérito en Bellas Artes dentro de la Central Saint Martins School of Arts and Design …
