AMATEUR / Juan Camilo García
Previous Next I was born in Caracas, in the clinic El Avila, on September 15, 1978, 15 days later I was taken to live in Colonia Tovar, there I grew up and was primarily educated, then I returned to the …
Previous Next I was born in Caracas, in the clinic El Avila, on September 15, 1978, 15 days later I was taken to live in Colonia Tovar, there I grew up and was primarily educated, then I returned to the …
Previous Next Nací en Caracas, en la clínica El Ávila, el 15 de septiembre de 1978, a los 15 días me llevaron a vivir a la Colonia Tovar, ahí crecí y me eduque primariamente, luego retome a la ciudad, asistí …